Monday, November 7, 2016

To America On The Eve Of Its Destruction ...

Given the unprecedented ignorance, laziness and apathy of today's America we are, just 240 years later, only microns away from losing our precious republic

To America On The Eve Of Its Destruction ...

Like a spitting cobra, a viper or a fox, a confident and smiling Hillary is saying anything she can to get her prey to let her in. It has taken a tenth of a second (if you are my age at least) for the Clintons to claw - tooth and nail - from Arkansas to Washington. Most of the time Mrs. Clinton has been posing as June Cleaver. Now she is masquerading as the quintessential grandma - whatever it takes to lull her lightheaded constituency long enough to seize the most powerful office on earth. (And by the way, Hillary, Captain Kangaroo called .... said he wants his clothes back.)
Nevertheless, in my entire life I have never imagined such egregiously obvious, wholesale lying followed mostly by thunderous applause from her crowds, and elephant bucks from the people who own most of the internet. It’s frightening. Shirer’s ‘Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’ tells the parallel horror of how Hitler and Joseph Goebbels strapped down Germany. Just like that, Hillary is telling her listeners whatever they want to hear. And just as brutal as a beer hall putsch, the liberal media are her brownshirts. But this time instead of clubbing people, a worse, more paralyzing violence is done to the truth.
As I have said before, this is not an issues-based campaign. Thinking people are not the problem. Don’t bother arguing with the ‘emancipating’ morons who gave eight years to Barack Obama just because they wanted to have bragging rights for electing the first black president. Now those same people and their voting-age children are determined to elect the first woman president - oblivious to and/or careless of her nefarious and treasonous history. But if she wins, this will be the capstone moment for the machine she has built, and the debtors and anxious underwriters she has secured en route. What her tv-mesmerized constituency doesn’t realize is that the muzzle and manacles she and her cohorts have built for ‘racist’ and ‘hater’ Americans will take away their freedoms as well.
One of the promotions Hillary’s bulging campaign purse has produced is a one minute commercial labeled “OUR CHILDREN ARE WATCHING.” Anyone with more than a thirty minute knowledge of Hillary Clinton and her husband’s abundantly documented 40-year infamy will faint listening to the soothing narrator droning on about ideal qualities and character that the Clintons have abundantly demonstrated they haven’t a nodding acquaintance with. From its pastoral sunrise farmhouse opening, two innocent kids’ faces are bathed in blue pulsing tv light. They are watching Donald Trump, of course at his worst moments. The Academy Award-winning-quality video is mighty. After nearly a minute of watching these two wide-eyed little ones supposedly being infected by ‘racist’ and ‘hater’ Donald Trump, the fatherly voice finishes up with this: “Our children are watching. What example do we set for them?”
Again, I guess it’s my age and maybe that I have been paying attention for the last 30 years (since I threw out my tv). I can’t forget the cattle futures, Whitewater and Rose Law Firm, her eight years as a New York senator during which she passed a whopping three bills, the two hundred thousand jobs she promised New York but never delivered one, the Iran nuke deal, her role in handing twenty percent of our plutonium interests to Russia, the abortion of the ‘Russian Reset,’ Benghazi, e-mailgate (tens of thousands of subpoenaed e-mails obliterated with a tool called “Bleach Bit”), pay-to-play Clinton Foundation and the obvious conflicts of interest, etc., etc. And then there is the legacy of her deviant, rapist husband, Bill. Here I must repeat a relevant portion from a previous article ...
“... (D)uring Ken Starr’s questioning of Bill Clinton’s official sexcapades,  I sadly overheard one of the millions of related conversations that sprang from that disgrace. While waiting for a crossing light, I heard a couple of boys - they couldn’t have been more than third-graders -  screaming the details of the ‘cigar incident’ to a little girl their own age. The two boys were having a moment of vicious fun. The poor little girl had her hands over her ears. I told the boys to cut it out. They ran off laughing. The little girl, sitting on the bench, just looked forward and continued waiting for her bus. I quietly apologized to her. She just sat there and looked hurt and embarrassed. That was 20 years ago.”
So, back to the campaign commercial I was talking about, I repeat its finishing words: “Our children are watching. What example do we set for them?” Upon hearing that and after nearly losing my lunch, I knew I had to write this piece and ask these questions of Hillary et al. : “What example are you Clintons setting? (In your shadow, Donald Trump looks like ‘Dennis The Menace.’)” “Where is your shame?” and “How do you sleep at night?”
But again, in my mind’s eye, I can see the cobra looking at its next meal. It will do whatever it must to get at it. The LAST thing that snake wants is for its victim to wake up. And just like the snake, Hillary will do or say whatever it takes to grab what she wants. As Julian Assange has said recently, he feels sorry for this woman who has been so completely consumed, “... eaten alive by her ambitions.”
And now as the Clinton machine might be tottering and splitting at the seams, and the FBI is reopening its investigation of her and things that concern her, she’s going to have to do more than try to assassinate the character of Donald Trump or the FBI, or spit back a “What DIFFERENCE does it make?!!” I’m hoping and praying that she can no longer successfully tell America to get off her back. Nevertheless a huge portion of 21st-century America indeed now appears to be lightheaded enough to sympathize with her and support her and that sentiment. God have mercy on us.
Continued below...

In our entire history, have we ever settled for such easy denial and irresponsibility on the part of our leaders?

The other evening at one of her presidential campaign rallies, Hillary sought to own/extinguish the story of the FBI reopening its investigation of her. As I had first suggested over a month ago (link: ), we hadn’t been able to see the forest for the trees in examining what she had erased from her computer while she ran from the light. Since that time at least, some of our Congress has maybe succeeded in forcing the feds to examine what could prove to be the biggest breach of our nation’s security through her homemade and unmonitored communications system.
Even our Senators and Congressmen who have apartments and townhomes in DC don’t take highly classified (and strongly secured) documents “home to work on.” Hillary has a DC home. But she elected to take our most sensitive and highly guarded material out of its safe home and make it available to the world in her garage system two hundred and sixty miles away in Chappaqua. But again she conveniently exonerated herself before her cheering crowd by chortling “I made a mistake.” And, true to form, her audience gave a thunderous applause of support for her gracious acquiescence.
But I have to ask when, in our entire history, have we ever settled for such easy denial and irresponsibility on the part of our leaders? Why didn’t we give Nixon that kind of slack when he said “I am not a crook.”? Prior to Obama, our giving space to such sleazy carelessness was unthinkable. She herself gives no quarter. I remember the afternoon I listened to Sen. Hillary Clinton passionately explaining why she absolutely had to give GW Bush the authority to preemptively invade Iraq. She pleaded that such a move was absolutely justified from the intel that had been gathered during her husband’s administration alone. Later, when simply the mention of ‘Iraq’ distilled into political poison, she led the chorus in declaring Iraq, “George W.‘s war!” And so it remains to this day.
At the close of our founders’ Constitutional Convention in 1787, a Philadelphian inquired of Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor Franklin, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Immediately Franklin responded, “A republic, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT.” That tiny bit of history should be a mandatory part of every American’s education. At one time, just decades ago, it was. It is news to most readers today.
Given the unprecedented ignorance, laziness and apathy of today’s America we are, just 240 years later, only microns away from losing our precious republic. Please see the videos I’ve included following this article. (Introductory shmaltz is beyond my control.)
In fact, I am convinced that if Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, et al. could see what’s happening at this moment, they would tearfully see satan’s handiwork and beg us to come to our senses and not surrender the precious pearls they placed in our trust to the swine vying to take over. Nevertheless we are doing just that if we allow the fatal succession of a Hillary Clinton to follow the preparatory craft of a Barack Obama.
Truly, if intelligent life forms on Mars are watching what we are up to right now, they are surely holding their breath at what may be the height of our stupidity.

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Dave Merrick -- Bio and Archives | Click to view 53 CommentsDave Merrick, is an internationally known and published artist whose works reach into the greatest diversity of audiences. Known primarily for his astoundingly lifelike portraiture, Merrick’s drawings and paintings grace the walls of an impressive array of well-known corporate and private clientele. Many of his published wildlife pieces have become some of America’s most popular animal imagery.
He has more original work in the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame than any other artist. His wildlife and Southwestern-theme work is distributed internationally through Joan Cawley Galleries of Scottsdale AZ.

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