Friday, November 11, 2016

Marxists still looking for the way to compromise Tuesday’s election

Pray that the Obama/Clinton/global elitist cabal hasn’t found the Marxist way to compromise the promise of Tuesday night, because it’s still a long way between now and January 20, 2017 Inauguration

Marxists still looking for the way to compromise Tuesday’s election

No matter how hard Barack Hussein Obama tried to paint it otherwise on his personal canvas, It was a landslide that came to visit the White House yesterday for the transition meeting between the outgoing president and incoming president Donald J. Trump.
With fawning help from the still running dog mainstream media, Obama pre-set a stage that would make it appear as if he and the progressives still hold the winning hand—after the glorious outcome of Election 2016.  Impossible for someone with an ego like Obama’s to ever acknowledge in any way that would show that conquering hero Donald Trump was really there to be handed over control of the Oval Office.
We the People were supposed to be frightened off from celebration that began Tuesday by the havoc brought on by bought-and-paid-for protesters out doing violence in seven American cities, including in Portland, Oregon where they were burning cars.
Just like the peace promising protesters out on the streets, the tattered remains of the Obama/Clinton/globalist elite cabal wanted We the people to think their lame duck leader Obama just wants a smooth transition for Trump and his elated-since-early-Wednesday-morning masses.
It was Obama’s only way to make it appear that he and his Democrat losers are part of the still loudly cheering victory side, even if it means forcing their way in.
Long gone from the stage and its props was a screeching Hillary Clinton. No ear plugs needed.
In his final Protocol Act ,  Obama tried for a nursery rhyme atmosphere, trading the rap music to which he and Michelle seem addicted for the kind that comes from a wind-up children’s’ music box.
All that was missing from this nursery rhyme atmosphere was the milk and cookies.
There was no Valerie Jarrett that could be seen lurking in corners.  As though she were just another White House tourist, rather than America’s soon to be First Lady Melania Trump was shown around the premises by a suddenly obliging Michelle.
We don’t know whether Mrs. Trump was shown the organic White House garden Obama accused her husband of wanting to tear up his first day in residence
Given the nightmare atmosphere of the White House of the day, the Oval Office, where the meeting took place,  was indeed a surrealistic setting for a nursery rhyme atmosphere.
Some of us are surprised the music of the Children’s Ice Cream Van couldn’t be heard tinkling in from Pennsylvania Avenue.
In a hard to make out video, Obama and Trump could have been boys back from schoolyard rough housing and name calling, speaking well of each other now that the fighting was over.
Calling Mr. Obama “a very good man”, President-elect Trump said as far as he was concerned the hour and a half meeting “could have gone on for a lot longer”.

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