Saturday, November 5, 2016

Did the Clinton Foundation personally enrich Barack and Michelle Obama?

God help us all because the devil is now running as freely in the White House as he is at the Vatican

Did the Clinton Foundation personally enrich Barack and Michelle Obama?

Did the pay-for-play Clinton Foundation personally enrich Barack and Michelle Obama?
A question well worth thinking about because the corruption of Hillary Clinton is the horse that bolted out of the barn on the watch of Community Organizer President Barack Obama.
In her own words, Hillary Clinton went from “being broke” in 2001 to a net worth of $350 million and still counting in 2016.
Too many forget that Clinton enriched personal friends and foreign powers while she would be under scant suspicion as Obama’s chosen Secretary of State.  It is vital to ask before Tuesday were Barack and Michelle two of the friends enriched by the corruption that flowed from the Clinton Foundation?
During the time of Hillary Clinton’s corruption at work, Obama did not just keep looking the other way, he actually corresponded with Clinton on her private basement server under a fake name.
How like him to operate under a fake name as that’s what he’s been doing since 2008!
Where’s the forensic investigation to tell us how much money has been siphoned off to the bank accounts of Barack and Michelle Obama through the Clinton Foundation?
Standing in for the MIA mainstream media,  radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh is asking the questions the voting public need answered:
“Have the Clintons been selling United States foreign policy?
“Have the Clintons been engaging in pay for play? Meaning: You pay them and they’ll play ball with you by giving you policy considerations or what have you.”

Have the Clintons been selling United States foreign policy? Engaging in pay for play?

“There is little doubt in the layman’s world that that has been going on.  Proving it is quite another matter, but there’s little doubt, especially in the political world. There’s no doubt in my mind that that’s what’s been going on and that’s why she set up the server in the first place.  The entire reason for the server in her basement was not because she wanted privacy per se. It’s not because she wanted convenience. It’s not because she didn’t want to go to the hassle of having a email address.  It’s not because she didn’t trust people.  (Rush Limbaugh Nov. 3, 2016)
“The reason she set up the server in her basement was specific, and it was to be able to conduct business for the foundation and keep those emails from ever being seen by anybody, including Freedom of Information Act requests.  And what the Clintons have been doing via their foundation is where the real criminality is.  There’s negligence and intent over on the email server side with classified data being trafficked and so forth. But over here at the foundation, that is where the Clintons have been engaging…”
There can be little doubt that Obama’s a valued player of the Bill, Hillary, Huma and Anthony Weiner baseball team.
Indeed we can see for ourselves that the Obamas are proud of what Hillary has done in the shocking and revolting pay-for-play game.  Both president and First Lady have been out on the campaign trail telling Americans Hillary’s the ONLY option for president.
In praising his former Secretary of State, Obama has been telling outright lies, including the whopper that “the fate of the world is teetering” because of Donald J. Trump.
“The fate of the world is teetering” because Obama seeks to kill off all life for Western society.
How conniving Obama is in his ‘Elect Hillary’ stumping:
“You know what? She’s not flashy. She’s not going around spending all the time giving big stemwinders. And as a consequence, sometimes she’s underappreciated here at home,” he said. “But she made me a better president,” Obama told an audience of university students in Chapel Hill, N.C.
“Obama became most animated, and spent the most time, on the topic of Trump – a person he views as an existential threat to not only his legacy, but the world.
“I am not on the ballot. But I tell you what, fairness is on the ballot, decency is on the ballot, justice is on the ballot, progress is on the ballot,” he warned, his voice noticeably rising. “Our democracy’s on the ballot right now!”
Continued below...

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