Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Breaking: There's more to Trump's victory than you know...

Breaking: There's more to Trump's victory than you know...

Donald J. Trump has defeated Crooked Hillary.

A message from Alex Jones: My fellow patriots, it is now breaking news that Donald J. Trump has defeated Crooked Hillary and her globalists allies in the face of rigged elections and incessant mainstream media lies. Whether you love or hate him, Trump's victory is a rallying cry to liberty lovers worldwide who are sick and tired of the bought and paid for establishment media feeding us a hearty diet of lies and disinformation. While we have a lot of work to do ahead, and we must continue to expose the crimes of Crooked Hillary and her cabal of Soros-backed operatives, I want to take a moment and thank YOU for all of your hard work in standing up against the takeover of America. 

As a thanks to you, and as a means of gearing up Infowars to help fend off Hillary's incoming attacks amid her sweeping defeat, please take advantage of these Infowars Super Sales before we take them offline:
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