Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Next Recession ... Spend, Spend, Spend ... Brexit Blockbuster

View in Browser  |  Saturday, June 25, 2016
Money and Markets
The Next Recession ... Spend, Spend, Spend ... Brexit Blockbuster
Dear Subscriber,
Here’s a summary of stories from this past trading week, with a link to the full articles online.
The Next Great Recession
Is there anyone who can predict the next great recession? Martin Weiss, Ph.D., takes you on a tour of the dismal dark side of economic forecasting.
Intel Leaps Into the Cloud
The semiconductor powerhouse Intel has been changing with the times. The legendary chipmaker, reports Jon Markman, has begun focusing on cloud-based computing and software for self-driving cars.
Will It Go or Will It Stay?
See what Larry Edelson was thinking the day before the Brexit vote severed the U.K.’s ties with the EU. And read his valuable historical insights into the controversy and on how it could affect the future of the EU.
One flag will soon be missing from the European Union lineup.
The Threat of Assault — And How to Prepare Yourself
If you’re attacked, you can end up hurt even if you have a plan to defend yourself — because you panic and forget everything you should do. But security expert Jeff Cantor has a simple exercise that can help you stay focused, stay tough and stay alive.
As More Companies Fess Up, the Cycle Turn Becomes Undeniable
The credit cycle and the economic cycle are inextricably linked, says Mike Larson. In theory, when people can’t borrow money for businesses, commercial real estate and automobiles, then companies, developers and consumers can’t spend enough to fuel the economy. Mike has hard evidence to prove the theory. And a plan to profit from other people’s misfortune.
The Week’s Hot News
Money and Markets columnist Mike Larson, Boris Schlossberg, and Mike Burnick take a look at key financial and political events around the globe after the market close. Here are the week’s highlights:
Markets Catch a Brexit Break
Three days before the Brits voted themselves “OUT” of the European Union, Mike Larson analyzed the impact the referendum would have on American markets.
The Only Certainty Is Uncertainty at the Fed
Fed Chairman Janet Yellen served up a bunch of double talk when she recently testified before U.S. legislators. And she used the word “uncertainty” 13 times in a press conference following her testimony. Well, Mike Larson wants to tell it like it is.
The Perfect Solution? Spend, Spend, Spend …
Boris Schlossberg argues that investing in America’s infrastructure would do more to stimulate the U.S. economy than the Fed’s QE and money-printing.
A Sad State of EU Affairs
As the votes were coming in that would lead Britain to exit the EU, Mike Burnick discussed why many Europeans believe that the EU has lost its way.
Brexit Blockbuster Shocks World Markets! Here’s What to Do
(Because of the market turmoil caused by the Brexit vote, Mike Larson sent out his Afternoon Edition at a special time — on Friday morning.) The morning after the British voted to leave the European Union, Mike wanted his readers to have the benefit of his experience and his insight.
The Money and Markets Team
P.S. Turn the massive shift in the credit cycle into one of the potentially greatest profit opportunities ever! That is exactly what Mike Larson has been doing the past several months in All Weather Trader! Click here now to take advantage of this opportunity!

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