Sunday, June 26, 2016


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Stocks and currencies crashing world-wide!
Gold and silver shooting the moon!
Political blood in the streets!
CLICK THIS LINK NOW to harness the massive wealth-building power of this historic event!
Dear Subscriber,
Larry Edelson
Overnight news of Britain's exit from the European Union (EU) has hit the financial world like a ton of bricks:     
 Global stock bloodbath:  Japanese stocks crashed 8.5% in response to the news.  Every stock market in Europe plunged:  Germany — down 10.1% ... France — down 10.2%.  
Spain's IBEX collapsed 12.8% — tantamount to a 2,200-point crash on the Dow ...
 Currency Armageddon:  The British pound plunged 11.9% on the news.  The Euro fell as much as 4.5%.  These are absolutely staggering moves in the currency markets where even a 1% decline is normally enough to cause investors to gasp ...
 Crisis hedges soaring:  Silver posted a huge gain and gold exploded more than $60 per ounce in a single session, driving the yellow metal to over $1,355 per ounce (solid confirmation of a new bull market with many years of MUCH LARGER gains ahead!).
 Political heads rolling:  At about 4:00 AM Eastern Time, David Cameron stepped up to the microphones at 10 Downing Street to say he's resigning his post as Britain's Prime Minister!
It's all happening just as I told you it would!
This time last year, I told you this would happen:  I warned you that the European Union was on its last legs.  I had my reasons:
Economic growth was — and still is — at a near-standstill.
Government spending was — and still is — exploding due to Europe's cradle-to-the-grave welfare policies and a massive Syrian refugee crisis.
I warned you that the EU would not survive this.  That it would fly apart.  And I warned you that when it did, it would trigger financial chaos world-wide, driving gold to previously unimagined new highs.
Not only was my prediction 100% accurate, I was right in spades:
Have you heard?  FRANCE is now discussing FREXIT — following Britain's lead in leaving the EU!
Now, I have a new prediction for you:
My select gold stocks are ready to deliver
a gain of at least $68 for every $1 gold rises.
That's exactly what happened in the last bull market:  Select junior mining shares posted gains of up to $68 for every ONE DOLLAR gold prices rose.
I am absolutely convinced it's going to happen this time around as well.
I am also convinced that is an ultra-conservative forecast for two reasons:
First, the long bear market drove these stocks to bargain-basement lows.  Now, they will have to skyrocket just to reach fair, historical valuations based on today's gold price.  To keep up as gold rises, your profits could be truly monumental.
Second, the last bull market was triggered by the unrealized fear of inflation due to massive central bank money printing.
This new bull market is begin triggered by THE REALITY of chaos in the global economy (not to mention the rapidly rising tide of terrorism and war around the globe).
This is precisely why thousands of investors
literally begged me to create Gold Mining Millionaire:
I did it to help you go for your share of the massive profits that are now available as chaos grips the globe.
But I can't help you harness the power of these junior mining shares if you don't join.
CLICK THIS LINK to check out your member benefits and activate your membership while you still can!
Larry Edelson's signature
Larry Edelson
Editor, Gold Mining Millionaire

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