Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rodrigo Duterte: The Donald Trump of the Philippines

The Philippines Gets It Right
by David Dittman, Editorial Director For the casual observer in the U.S., the most remarkable outcome of recent elections in the Philippines is the ascension of boxing legend Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao to his home country's upper legislative chamber.

For the "people's champion," there will be no multi-million-dollar rematch with Floyd "Money" Mayweather.

For guys like Wall Street Daily Global Markets Analyst Martin Hutchinson, the vote in the Philippines bears a more geopolitical/macroeconomic significance.

Sure, the Senate of the Philippines is a traditional springboard to the presidency. So the popular Filipino slugger may be on his way to an even bigger political title.

For now, however, investors can take great comfort in the fact that Rodrigo Duterte will succeed Benigno Aquino as president of the Philippines.

That the Philippines' economy outperformed many of its regional peers in 2015 is solid evidence that Aquino's efforts to improve infrastructure and reduce bureaucratic barriers to economic development are bearing fruit.

Although he comes from outside the Philippines' traditional ruling families and he's been criticized by outsiders for his nationalist tendencies, Duterte has sent strong signals that he will continue along the policy path marked by his predecessor.

As Martin writes in his summary of the situation, Philippines' Election of Nationalist Rodrigo Duterte Bodes Well for the Country:

Duterte is no tycoon. But as the long-standing and effective mayor of Davao, a city of 1.4 million people on Mindanao island, he made the city safer and less corrupt, albeit using draconian methods against criminals.

As Martin noted in a recent Market Update to Currency & Capital subscribers, "What's most important for us as investors is that Duterte shows no signs of socialism or grandiose public spending plans."

Good investing,

David Dittman

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