Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

Daily Caller News Foundation

Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.
In this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.
For Blazquez, watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional.
Watching President Barack Obama travel to Cuba, he says, made him “want to throw up.” This was a “betrayal to victims of communism,” the filmmaker of “Covering Cuba” says. Blazquez adds there are “so many [Nelson] Mandelas” in Cuban prisons, who are tortured, denied medical attention and abused. Yet, prominent black elites from America, including most incredibly to him, the Congressional Black Caucus, are wined and dined by the political elites but are blind to their “betrayal of blacks in Cuba.”

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As the “fundamental transformation of America” continues under Obama’s governance, Blazquez warns that elites in America are in a precarious situation. Their privileges, rights and property could evaporate fast with America’s trend towards erosion of liberties. “Wake up, America!” the Cuban-American proclaims. Interestingly, the Obama administration is forcing one of the most prominent Cuban exiles, Ramon Saul Sanchez, who has been a thorn in the side of the Castro regime, to leave America.
For more on Agustin Blazquez, subscribe to his YouTube channel or watch his 2012 documentary on Obama, called “Connecting the Dots.” He has written over 300 articles and made roughly 18 documentaries since 1994.
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Daily Caller News Foundation

Georgia’s REPUBLICAN Governor Vetoes Campus Carry

Georgia’s Republican governor vetoed a bill that would have legalized concealed carry on college campuses statewide, rejecting the measure after legislative Republicans refused to introduce certain exceptions he wanted.
Campus carry is already the law in several states, and Georgia’s Republican legislature hoped to join with House Bill 859. The bill would allow anybody aged 21 and over to carry a gun anywhere on a public college campus, except inside dormitories, fraternities and athletic events.
Gov. Nathan Deal had suggested he was open to the bill, saying before its passage fears it would create a “Wild West” environment on campus were overblown. But after the bill’s passage, Deal responded by asking legislators to amend the bill and add new exceptions to it, such as a ban on guns in office spaces or childcare facilities. Legislative Republicans refused to alter the law, though. Deal also faced significant pressure from the state’s college presidents, who urged him to veto the measure.
On Tuesday, Deal granted their wish and vetoed the bill.
“If the intent of HB 859 is to increase safety of students on college campuses, it is highly questionable that such would be the result,” Deal said in his veto message. “From the early days of our nation and state, colleges have been treated as sanctuaries of learning where firearms have not been allowed. To depart from such time-honored protections should require overwhelming justification. I do not find that such justification exists.”
If lawmakers want to prevent gun-related crimes on campus, Deal said, they should consider increasing criminal penalties for carrying a gun illegally on campus.
Republicans will not be able to override Deal’s veto, since the legislature has already adjourned for the year.
It isn’t the first time Deal has alienated members of the Republican base in Georgia. In March, he vetoed a religious liberty law that would have provided legal protection to business owners who oppose gay marriage.
Deal’s decision to veto contrasts with Gov. Bill Haslam’s decision in neighboring Tennessee. On Monday, Haslam allowed a campus carry bill to become law without his signature, saying he disliked the bill but was not willing to block it.
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