Saturday, May 21, 2016

Coup Against Rousseff in Brazil Is Part of International Bankers' War Against the BRICS

Coup Against Rousseff in Brazil Is Part of
International Bankers' War Against the BRICS
by Dennis Small
            May 12 (EIRNS)--In the early morning hours of May 12, the Brazilian Senate voted up the
impeachment trial against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, which will now move forward in
the Senate over the next 180 days. For the duration, Rousseff has stepped down from Brazil's Presidency, handing over power to Vice President Michel Temer--and his anointed Treasury Minister, former FleetBoston Global Bank President Henrique Meirelles.
            Wall Street and the City of London are delighted--but is their triumphalism premature?
Very possibly.
            American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, in May 12 remarks in which he forcefully rejected
the illegitimate coup against Rousseff, noted:
            "The elected leader of Brazil has been nominally -- nominally, I say -- classed as thrown out of office.  Well, I don't believe that. I don't believe she has been actually effectively thrown out of office. You know, she's got all kinds of problems, but this thing is not settled; nothing is settled.”

            With Dilma (as she is widely known at home and abroad) out of the way for now, the trans-Atlantic financial vultures that have orchestrated her entire sham impeachment, will now descend on Brazil in droves, to both knock the "B" out of the BRICS group of nations and to use this bankers' "Clean Hands" operation to dismember the country's relatively advanced scientific,
technological and industrial capabilities.
            Already, under the guiding hand of the bankers' hit-man, the corrupt "anti-corruption"
judge Sergio Moro who is investigating the so-called "Car Wash" scandal:
            * Admiral Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva, known as the father of Brazil's nuclear program, was thrown in jail and today remains under house arrest, while the Brazilian nuclear program is targeted for destruction.
            * Marcelo Odebrecht, the multi-millionaire scion of the Odebrecht construction engineering company (South America's largest, by far), was jailed with a 19-hear sentence, while his company's domestic and international infrastructure projects are being dismembered.
            * BNDES, the giant state-run National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES),
which for decades has been the center of national directed credit for infrastructure, as well as for many of the more recent deals that are in the works with fellow BRICS member China, has just been accused of corruption in the "Car Wash" scandal, and calls for its privatization or outright disappearance are rapidly growing.
            Judge Moro has significant reach, courtesy of his international patrons. He reportedly
received most of his hot "corruption" leads from NSA intercepts of top Brazilian politicians (including Dilma herself) and businessmen, which Edward Snowden denounced in 2013. For example, a full 65% of the Senators who voted in favor of Dilma's impeachment on May 12, are themselves facing legal charges, many of them stemming from Moro's "Car Wash" sham.
            As EIR explained in a limited circulation memorandum issued on April 4, titled "How to
Defeat the Attempted Bankers' Coup d'Etat Against Brazil's Rousseff Government:"
            "An all-fronts offensive against the government of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is underway, orchestrated by international financial interests... The same policy is now underway under the vulture funds' Macri government in neighboring Argentina--which Wall Street and the Obama administration are celebrating as the model to be imposed across the Americas.
            "The authorship of the operation is international, making use of domestic forces inside Brazil--some of which are aware of the broader game they are part of, while many are not--and it can only be defeated by understanding the international strategic issues at stake, and defeating that policy internationally.
            "This is not a war that can be won inside Brazil. But it can be won."
Target: BRICS
            The entire trans-Atlantic financial system is hopelessly bankrupt, with over $2 quadrillion in unpayable financial instruments. The BRICS nations, led by China and Russia, are actively  building an alternative to that bankrupt system, centered on a science-driver approach to physical economic development; great infrastructure projects under the One Belt One Road plan; and new financial institutions such as the BRICS New Development Bank and the AIIB.
            The British Empire and its Wall Street associates are totally committed to stopping that alternative for mankind, even though that means the threat of thermonuclear war with Russia and China, as well as economic collapse under their system.
            When the BRICS held their sixth annual summit in Fortaleza, Brazil in July 2014, they
consolidated their global policy alternative and institutions, and--through Brazil and its crucial neighbor Argentina, then under the Presidency of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner--cemented a broad alliance with nearly every nation of Ibero-America. They launched a set of great infrastructure projects in the region, including a South American trans-continental railroad with Brazil, Peru and possibly Bolivia; a Grand Inter-Oceanic Canal through Nicaragua; and extensive nuclear energy and space science projects with regional nations, large and small.
            That BRICS-led offensive reached its high water mark in Ibero-America in late May, 2015,
with the visit by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to four South American countries, where many of
these projects were further consolidated.
            But shortly after that, in November 2015, the Argentine Presidential elections removed
Kirchner's movement from power, and put in its place Mauricio Macri, a Mont Pelerinite liberal who has proceeded to dismantle Argentina's highly productive economy at breakneck speed, while attempting to pull Argentina out of the BRICS orbit.
            The Argentina that had been Dilma Rousseff's closest ally on the continent for years, was defeated, and that emboldened Wall Street and the City of London to move in for the kill against Brazil. By April 2016, Dilma had been impeached by the lower house of the Brazilian parliament; and a month later, the Senate proceeded to the actual impeachment trial itself, forcing her temporarily out of office.
            Now, the British Empire has their knives out, including efforts to jail--or assassinate--both Dilma and Cristina.
Who Is Running the "Kill Brazil" Operation?
            Like the Italian Clean Hands plot of the early 1990s on which it is explicitly modeled, the current corruption scandals and "color revolution" operation in Brazil, is an attempted international bankers' coup d'etat, not a "democratic" movement for "change." All of the tactics now being used in Brazil—from "corruption" scandals tried in the media, to plea bargaining, to ripping apart national institutions--are copied from Clean Hands.
            Exemplary is the role of international mega-speculator and top drug legalizer George Soros, operating through long-time associate Arminio Fraga, a former executive of Soros's
Quantum Fund who was also the head of Brazil's Central Bank from 1999-2002. Fraga has met with Brazilian Supreme Court judges, among others, to orchestrate the whole impeachment process.
            The role of Brazilian mass media such as the O Globo network is also significant, in their attempted "trial and execution" of the Rousseff government by media slander. O Globo's connections into the highest levels of the British Imperial interests are well-documented,
including their relationship to the anti-industrial hit-squad known as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), founded by Prince Philip of the United Kingdom and Nazi Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
            Then, of course, there is Judge Sergio Moro himself. In addition to Moro's written
proclamation that Italy's Clean Hands is the model he is following, it is noteworthy that Moro received a three-week U.S. tour and training program at the hands of the U.S. State Department in 2007, for which he was hand-selected by then U.S. Ambassador to Brazil Clifford Sobel, himself tightly connected into international financial interests as Managing Partner and founder of the investment firm Valor Capital Group in New York and Brazil. The Secretary of State of the United States at that time was neo-con Condoleeza Rice, under President George W. Bush. The street
demonstators acting on Judge Moro's "revelations" today, are in large measure being mobilized by the neo-conservative and libertarian Atlas Foundation, which promotes the views of the fascist Mont Pelerin Society founder Friedrich Von Hayek.
            Moro himself identifies what he learned in the U.S. about the role of pre-trial detention,
intimidation and blackmail in obtaining plea-bargain arrangements to further the campaign, as central to his current activities.
How to Stop the Coup
            There is no doubt that Dilma and the nationalist forces rallied around her are fighting. She has accurately characterized the operation as a "coup d'etat," and has vowed to keep fighting during the impeachment trial. Trade unionists and members of her PT party are taking to the streets. And tellingly, immediately prior to Dilma's suspension from office, the Defense Minister signed an agreement for cooperation with the beleaguered BNDES bank, for "technical cooperation" for developing a defense industrial base in Brazil. This is a major policy message coming from the still-powerful military-science-industry institutions of Brazil.
            There is also growing opposition to the coup across South America, and in neighboring
Argentina in particular, where the population has historically been highly organized and
politicized. For example, on April 29 an estimated 350,000 people marched in Buenos Aires in protest against the Macri government's brutal austerity policies, which have already led to 140,000 firings in his four months in office. And Kirchner-linked activists have established an Argentine Front for Democracy in Brazil, circulating a petition stating "our public rejection of the parliamentary, judicial and mass media coup [in Brazil], organized by the most reactionary elements of society."
            But such actions will not be sufficient to stop the assault, unless and until Dilma and her allies, inside and outside Brazil, identify that what is underway is not just a coup, but an international bankers' coup as part of the British Empire's assault on all of the BRICS, Russia and China included, and join the international efforts to annihilate that Empire once and for all.
            As EIR concluded in its April 4 memo: "The only way to defeat this operation is to politically destroy the international forces behind it. Stalling and defensive actions can and must be taken inside Brazil, but those will not be decisive or permanent... What will work is to put that trans-Atlantic financial system into bankruptcy reorganization, with the aid of the BRICS nations and their allies."

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