Friday, December 18, 2015

CNBC Predicts the Collapse of the Global Economy

CNBC Predicts the Collapse of the Global Economy

janet_yellen1In an alarming new editorial, CNBC anchor Kelly Evans warns that the collapse of the energy & commodity bubble threatens to be just as damaging as the collapse of the housing bubble in 2008.  We are now suffering through the slowest global growth pace since the 2008-09 financial crisis, and the IMF is slashing global economic growth forecasts for the next several years.  The reason?  The boom & bust of natural resources like oil, copper, and iron ore across the globe.  With major media outlets and the IMF now finally admitting our global economy is on the precipice of disaster, now may be your last opportunity to protect your savings & retirement with the ONE asset that rises as global economies collapse.

The First Step Is Admitting There Is a Problem

damon_geller_authorAs CNBC’s Evans points out, most people are in denial about using the term “bubble” with regard to the boom & bust in the price of oil & commodities.  To CNBC, this denial “tells how early we still are in the painful unwind phase.”
As with the housing bubble, there was a fundamental reason for oil & commodity prices to soar. China has been on a historic commodities binge as it doubled the size of its economy in recent years. China’s demand spawned a frenzy of financing, mining, and fracking – all of which were aided by the Fed’s reckless monetary policy that created monopoly money, artificially propped up the financial markets, and sent oil & commodity prices soaring.
But as we all know, every boom is followed by a painful bust.  China’s growth and appetite for raw materials has slowed dramatically as China spirals toward economic collapse.  And China’s collapse is already proving deeply painful for the world economy.

Global Economies Slow to a Grinding Halt

2015 marked the slowest global growth pace since the 2008-09 financial crisis. You wouldn’t know it by watching the Wall Street cheerleaders in mainstream media, but the world has now returned to a 2008-level economic crisis.  And it’s only the beginning.  Following several downgrades, the International Monetary Fund now expects growth of just over 3% and has slashed its growth forecasts for the next three years.
Major nations are already imploding.  Russia is in a deep downturn. Brazil, a key commodity supplier, has collapsed into its likely worst recession since the 1930s. Venezuela, whose socialist government relied heavily on oil-funded payouts, is now considered the world’s worst-performing economy by the International Monetary Fund. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil producer, is tapping debt markets for the first time since 2007 to shore up its heavy cash flow needs.  And Europe is still a mess.
As CNBC warns, just because “America’s economy is among the least directly damaged by this unwind does not mean the country will escape unscathed.  In fact, this crisis may tear just as dramatically at its social fabric.”  Yes, the network that does more Wall Street cheerleading than anyone is finally admitting we have a major crisis on our hands.  Specifically, the slowdown in world trade is already damaging profits everywhere from the big corporate multinationals, the retailers, and the regional ports & transportation providers.

Economic Collapse Spawns Social Unrest

Just take a look at what the energy & commodity collapse has unleashed across the globe.  Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has seized Crimea from Ukraine and his actions in the Syrian war are destabilizing the Mideast as well as Europe and the West. Saudi Arabia and Jordan, among the more stable Mideast nations, are teetering on political collapse which could exacerbate the conflagration.
As CNBC warns:  “And as with the housing-triggered financial crisis, society will be desperate for scapegoats to blame for the wreckage it sees. Keep in mind that oil prices, to take the key commodity of this global crisis, do not yet appear to have bottomed. You’ll know they’ve bottomed when the handcuffs come out.”  In other words, it’s about to get a lot uglier.

Bail-Outs Are No Longer an Option

After the last crisis, the Fed dumped trillions in phony dollars into the system in order to save the economy.  As we all know, the Fed’s reckless actions only saved its buddies on Wall Street.  Real unemployment is still through the roof, wages are stagnant, and the savings rate has been stuck at zero for years.
But with the coming crisis, the Fed no longer has any ammo to artificially prop up the markets.  They’re no longer able to “print” their way out of disaster.  This time, we’re on our own.  Without any means to “save” the economy, Fed Chair Janet Yellen has only one thing left to turn to:  delusion.  Remarking about the bust in oil & commodities, Yellen stated, “On balance, I would see these developments as a positive for the standpoint of the U.S. economy.”  When exactly is global economic collapse and mass social unrest a positive development for the U.S. economy?!

Your Only Protection from Global Economic Collapse

So, how do you protect yourself when the entire global economy collapses? The answer: Put a percentage of your savings, retirement & wealth in Gold & Silver – the #1 asset class that sits OUTSIDE of the global banking system and in fact GROWS when economies fail. Just look at recent history for proof: Gold DOUBLED in the years after the financial collapse of 2008, while silver increased over 5 times during the same period!
So remind yourself what it was like when Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns collapsed and your entire portfolio took a nosedive after 2008. Are you willing to go through that and worse, knowing that the U.S. government and the Fed no longer have enough money-printing ability to once again bail out the corrupt banking system and prop up the stock market? Can you really endure an 80% loss of your savings, retirement or wealth? Wouldn’t you rather GROW your wealth while everyone else loses theirs? Then get into gold & silver. NOW. Before it’s too late for you and your children.

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