Friday, December 18, 2015

ALERT: Governor Comes Forward, Drops BOMBSHELL About What Obama Is Doing With “Refugees”

ALERT: Governor Comes Forward, Drops BOMBSHELL About What Obama Is Doing With “Refugees”

Conservative tribune

Once again, the “most transparent administration in history” has proven itself to be the exact opposite of what it claims.
This time, the opaqueness of the Obama administration is in regards to their efforts at importing tens of thousands of refugees from war-torn jihadist hotbeds like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican, joined Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Monday to discuss the issue of Syrian refugees, among other things, and revealed that the Obama administration has kept his state out of the loop regarding who will be resettled there.
“We’re not even told by the president,” McCrory said. “I think the most misinformation is that the federal government and Homeland Security and the president tell each governor when these Syrian refugees come to our state. We have no communication whatsoever on when they come, where they go, who they are.
“And that’s what our major objection is. Our local homeland security people, who are the ones that have to respond to any emergency, are not in the communication loop with the the president of the United States.”
This is simply frightening, as it shows that the Obama administration doesn’t trust or even inform America’s governors about things that are certainly in their purview as the duly elected leaders of their state, such as potential radical Islamic jihadists being brought into their state via the federal government.
We already know that the federal vetting process for refugees and immigrants is sorely lacking, and now the administration is making it difficult, if not impossible, for the states to pick up the slack and close the information gap left by the inadequate half-measures of the feds.

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