Sunday, November 22, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts: More Paris

Paul Craig Roberts: More Paris
Dr. Roberts questions
the official narrative of the heinous attacks in France.
“It is interesting that terrorists attacks attributed to
Muslims only fall upon ordinary people, not upon the political elites who
oppress the Muslims. In past years on several occasions I have remarked in my
columns on the total vulnerability of the neoconservatives to assassination. Yet
there has been not a single attack by terrorists on a neocon life, and the
neocons are the source of the violence that Washington has unleashed on the
Muslim world. The neocons walk around without threat free as birds.
How believable is it that Muslim terrorists take their
ire out on innocents when the President of France himself, who has sent military
forces to murder Muslims, was sitting in the attacked stadium and could easily
have been eliminated by a suicide bomber?

Now let us turn to questions of identification of the
alleged “Paris terrorists.” Is it realistic to suppose that the millions of
refugees from Washington and its European vassals’ wars in the Middle East have
passports? Were these millions of refugees expecting to be driven by White
Civilization’s Bombs out of their countries and thus had prepared themselves
with passports in order to flee?
Did they write on their passport applications that they
were going to be visiting Europe? 
Was the
beleaguered country, their homeland, under full military assault, able to
process all these millions of passports?”  READ MORE 
David Icke Videocast (28:07 – first part)
Published on
Nov 20, 2015. 
David Icke Talks
About Paris, What's Really Going On and The Agenda That Is Unfolding In front of
Paris Had Ample Warning of an Attack - Did
They Want to Be Hit?  [Who benefits?]
Conveniently, the Paris terror attack
gave NATO the casus belli it needs to go all out in Syria.
  • Iraqi Intelligence Warned France of ISIS Attack Day
    Before Paris Assault
  • CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE
  • “Forty grenades, 180 detonators and plastic
    explosives” stolen from French military base
  • Breaking: French and German Police Knew Paris Attack
    Was Coming a Month Prior
  • Paris Attacks: Multi-site Exercise planned for morning
    of Nov 13, 2015
  • Before Paris Terrorist Attacks, CIA Director Brennan
    Met With French Intelligence DGSE Chief Bernard Bajolet: Report
  • French Security Left Blind During November 13 Paris
    Terror Attacks   READ MORE
Happening Now: Authorities Are Using
‘Paris Attacks’ To Fast-Track New Mass Surveillance Laws
The CIA and government officials around the world
are using the Paris attacks to push brand new surveillance laws. And it was all
planned in advance. 
While democratic
systems usually take months (if not years) to pass new laws and legislation, it
only took a few days after the Paris attacks to slap honest citizens with more
surveillance laws. Several organizations are indeed capitalizing on the fear and
panic caused by the attacks to bring forth a brand new agenda that takes a bold
new step towards total government surveillance. What’s worse: Leaked information
proves that authorities were waiting on a terror attack to go forward with their
plan.  READ MORE
Practically a third of asylum seekers coming
to Europe have forged Syrian passports and IDs
to make naturalization easier, the German government admits as it
deploys troops to handle the refugee crisis.

Some 527,000 migrants have arrived in Germany
this year.
About 30 percent of these pretending to be Syrians come from
different countries, Tobias Plate, an Interior Ministry spokesman, said on
The explanation is rather simple: asylum seekers from Syria
are registered quicker. Official data suggest 87 percent of Syrian refugees get
asylum in Germany. So the business of
forged Syrian passports and IDs being sold
for less than $1,000 apiece is flourishing.
The most recent EU stats
estimate Syrians make up about 20 percent of refugees coming to the EU, but at
some border crossings 90 percent claim to be from Syria.
The scale of the
'phenomenon' implies there are more than 150,000 refugees who have just entered
Europe, whose true identities is a mystery to the authorities.
In Bulgaria
alone, 10,000 fake Syrian passports have been seized, the Telegraph
reports, "which is likely to be only a fraction of those in circulation
For anyone wondering about the
meaning of DAESH
  It is an acronym
meaning ISIS+al-Qaeda+the many smaller groups fighting together
against the Syrian government

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