Monday, November 17, 2014

Mysterious Earth-Shaking Booms Rock Ohio

Mysterious Earth-Shaking Booms Rock Ohio

Bizarre phenomenon has prompted a deluge of exotic explanations
Mysterious Earth-Shaking Booms Rock Ohio
Three unexplained earth-shaking booms rocked two Ohio counties last night, prompting a wave of 911 calls from concerned residents.
Residents of Montgomery County and Warren County reported hearing three loud booms at around 7pm yesterday evening, prompting the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to send deputies out to investigate.
“One Miamisburg man said the loud booms sounded like an explosion, and that the last one sounded louder than the first,” reports WHIO, adding that the booms brought baffled neighbors out into the street.
Local utility companies said there were no incidents or power outages in the area that could have explained the booms, while Wright-Patterson Air Force Base asserted that there were no aircraft in the area that could have caused a sonic boom by breaking the sound barrier.
Over the last few years, there have been a rash of reports concerning strange noises heard both underground and in the sky in areas across the country.
From bizarre “groaning” sounds to trumpet-like noises, a lot of the reports can be explained away as hoaxes or some form of mass hysteria.
However, similar booms heard in Wisconsin in 2012 were by no means a figment of people’s imagination – they were measured and documented by audio engineers.
Theories as to the cause of the phenomena have ranged from the mundane to the exotic.
Some think the booms are caused by underground tunneling machines which are being used to drill subterranean military bases.
Others point to CO2 sequestration or fracking as the culprit, noting that both have been known to cause small and moderate man-made earthquakes.
Some also think that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which is often blamed for unexplained weather and seismic events due to its highly secretive nature, is causing the booms while others point to the myriad of geoengineering programs currently being conducted across the United States as a possible explanation.
What do you think? Have you experienced the booms in your area and what could be causing them?

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