Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Russia and China are unencumbered by other society's rules of engagement, focused as they are on one purpose only.

Russia and China are unencumbered by other society's rules of engagement, focused as they are on one purpose only.

If U.S. military bases were confined within the U.S. mainland or even as far away as Hawaii, the U.S. Air Force commander would not be complaining about “dangerous mid-air encounters” with Chinese and Russian war planes as they “project power far beyond their borders”.
But since the U.S. has established and operates military bases in Asian countries close to China and Russia, then the U.S. Air Force commander has no business complaining about “dangerous mid-air encounters” with the Chinese and Russians. Those bases were intentionally established to monitor and intimidate Chinese and Russian military forces from “projecting power beyond their borders.”
Now if we grant China and Russia the equal opportunity rights to establish military bases in Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, and Quebec Canada, we all know what the American reaction will be. Not simply a formal diplomatic complaint will be forthcoming. The U.S. empire will erupt like a dangerous mad dog the way it behaved towards Cuba and Russia in 1962.
The obvious solution to avoid “dangerous mid-air encounters” is for the U.S. to close and dismantle its foreign military bases, and ship them where they belong. In the U.S. mainland.
Unfortunately, the U.S. Air Force commander suffers from a psychological and intellectual disease that also afflicts Omega-san. The denial of U.S. imperial military presence in Asia that increases dangers of mid-air encounters with adversaries. And complete focus only on the misbehaviour of adversaries. This is the kind of discipline exhibited by fully regimented and heavily indoctrinated intellectuals who serve as the empire’s loyal propagandists.
The first step towards sanity and mental health is the acceptance of reality. Omega-san, repeat the following a thousand times: American military bases and American soldiers exist in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Guam, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore. Tell General Herbert Carlisle to join you.
Allan T.


My response in blue.

Life is the sum of all your choices.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 4:47 am
Subject: [Worldwide-Filipino-Alliance] Re: [MOONGLOWPLANET] Russia and China are unencumbered by other society's rules of engagement, focused as they are on one purpose only.

“A recent spate of dangerous midair encounters between American military aircraft and Chinese and Russian planes in the Pacific is the result of increasingly assertive strategies by both U.S. adversaries to project power far beyond their borders, according to the top U.S. Air Force commander in the region.”
The U.S. Air Force commander’s complaint clearly reveals his knee jerk denial of China’s and Russia’s right to “project power beyond their borders”. The US Air Force commander's assertion was neither a knee jerk response nor a denial of both communist powers' right to "project power beyond their borders." The beginning of the commander's comment is clearly referring to the "spate of dangerous midair encounters" between the US and the communist military aircraft and not to "a knee jerk denial" of the latters' "right to project power beyond their borders".

Allan, why the subterfuge? What do you hope to gain from it? Did you simply hope to mislead the readers? But why? 

A quick look at the map will show the Pacific ocean lapping at the coasts of China and Russia. Does the U.S. expect the Chinese and Russian air forces to fly around only within their land borders and not “project power beyond their borders”? You're arguing with your own self, dude.
The U.S. complaint also reveals the commander’s imperial mindset. It does nothing of the sort. On the contrary, your foregoing statement reveals your capacity for fraudulence and deceitfulness. His complaint denies the most obvious fact of U.S. army, air, and naval bases in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, and Australia that “project power far beyond their borders”. As a matter of fact, U.S. military forces are 10,000 miles from their U.S. mainland borders. Again, you're shamelessly misrepresenting what the commander has said. Look, chap, you're just too transparent in your game of bald-faced chicanery.
The Chinese and Russian military bases are located within their borders. U.S. military bases are spread over the world, outside U.S. borders. And yet the imperial attitude of the U.S. is that only the U.S. has the right to “project power far beyond its borders”. The rest of the unpeople should cool their asses at home until the master of the universe tells them how they can serve their master. You're going berserk with your polemics, lad, that happen to be totally extraneous and peripheral to what the US commander has said. To remind you again---the commander was referring to the dangerous encounters between the adversaries' military planes(!!). The US, in fact, has issued diplomatic protests to Beijing for what it described as the "unsafe and unprofessional behavior" of Chinese pilots in the South China Sea.

Three similar incidents of provocative incidents occured earlier this year in the same general location, all in international airspace. In one incident (Aug. 19), Chinese fighters performed a series of maneuvers at close range to a patrolling US Navy aircract, "including cutting in front of its nose at a 90-degree angle and rolling over the top of the US aircraft." In another, a Chinese jet fighter acted aggressively, making multiple passes under the US aircraft at close range, with "the planes at one point coming nearly wingtip to wingtip and the jet rolling to expose its armaments." A senior US defense official said, referring to the Navy's aerobatic team, said: The only place I know where 20 feet between wingtips is considered a safe distance is a Blue Angels show. The danger that this reckless and arrogant behavior on the part of the irresponsible Chinese fighter pilots has been demonstrated amply a couple of years ago when, indeed, there resulted a collision between a Chinese jet fighter and a US Navy patrol craft (over international airspace) near the Chinese' Hainan Island. The Chinese plane crashed and killed its pilot. The Navy aircraft was damaged and subsequently was forced to land on Hainan Island.

Washington Post’s correspondent, Craig Whitlock, is oblivious to this obvious discrepancy between the U.S. air commander’s complaint and the reality of U.S. forces far away from home. He has internalized U.S. leaders’ imperial attitude and accepts as normal the U.S. prerogative to “project power far beyond its borders”. That makes the Washington Post a bona fide propaganda mouthpiece of Washington D.C. Really, Allan, you're just too much of an incorrigible blusterer!!
Allan T./Omega

***China’s naval and air forces in particular are “very much continuing to push” and becoming more active in international waters and airspace in Asia.***
I'm glad someone else notices and is talking about it. The rest are turning deaf ears and blind eyes.

China, Russia flex muscles in increasing number of close calls with U.S. aircraft

By Craig Whitlock


Craig Whitlock
Craig Whitlock covers the Pentagon and national security. He has reported for The Washington Post since 1998.

Preview by Yahoo

A recent spate of dangerous midair encounters between American military aircraft and Chinese and Russian planes in the Pacific is the result of increasingly assertive strategies by both U.S. adversaries to project power far beyond their borders, according to the top U.S. Air Force commander in the region.

Air Force Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, the head of U.S. Pacific Air Forces, said China’s naval and air forces in particular are “very much continuing to push” and becoming more active in international waters and airspace in Asia.

“They still talk about the century of humiliation in the last century. They still talk about this as the rise of China,” Carlisle said in an interview. “They still talk about this as their great nation. And they want to continue to demonstrate that.”

Carlisle said U.S. and Chinese forces are frequently encountering each other in parts of the East China and South China seas where they rarely came into contact in the past. Since commissioning its first aircraft carrier two years ago, China’s navy has conducted more exercises farther away from its shores and is closely patrolling areas in disputed waters where Chinese companies are drilling for oil.

Those movements have prompted the U.S. military in turn to deploy its ships and reconnaissance aircraft to keep a close watch. China’s military usually responds by conducting intercepts of U.S. aircraft as the two sides jockey for position, Carlisle said.

“All of that makes their tension go up a little bit,” he added.

U.S. officials said one such encounter got out of hand in August, when a Chinese J-11 fighter jet flashed past a Navy Poseidon P-8 patrol aircraft, performing a “barrel roll” at close range and bringing its wingtip within 20 feet of the U.S. plane. That incident occurred in international airspace about 135 miles east of China’s Hainan Island.

At the time, Pentagon officials protested publicly and released photos of the near-miss, which they cited as evidence of rash and irresponsible behavior on the part of the Chinese pilot. They said the same Chinese military unit had conducted three other risky intercepts of U.S. aircraft earlier in the year.

Carlisle was more measured in his assessment, saying that there has always been “an ebb and flow” in the number of Chinese intercepts and that he didn’t think China’s military leadership was looking to provoke a conflict.

“I personally don’t think it needs to get too much hype,” said Carlisle, who will leave his post in the Pacific this month to take a new assignment as chief of the Air Force’s Air Combat Command at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton, Va. But he acknowledged that “the opportunity for something to go wrong” will likely increase as China’s military gathers strength and moves farther afield.

To prevent such incidents, the Pentagon has tried to enhance communications channels and expand formal ties with the People’s Liberation Army in recent years. Although U.S. officials said progress has been made, they added that they didn’t expect to solve the issue overnight.

“I am disappointed. Am I surprised? I’m not necessarily surprised,” Adm. Samuel Locklear, the chief of the U.S. Pacific Command, said at a Sept. 25 news briefing at the Pentagon, when asked about the close calls. He added that the “vast majority” of interactions between U.S. and Chinese military aircraft and ships resulted in no problems. “It’s those outliers that concern us.”

While the Pentagon has long expected an increase in Chinese military activity in the Pacific, it has also had to confront a resurgent Russia, which is conducting more long-range reconnaissance and bomber missions in the region and even approaching U.S. territory.

On Sept. 17, U.S. fighter jets intercepted a half-dozen Russian military planes — two fighter jets, two long-range bombers and two refueling tankers — as they were flying in international airspace near the coast of Alaska. U.S. officials said they have also seen an increase in Russian bombers flying near Guam, the U.S. territory in the Pacific.

Carlisle attributed the Russian flights to a strategy by President Vladi­mir Putin “to reassert Russia into what he thinks its rightful place in the international order is, and part of that is continuing to push into the Pacific.”

He described the Russian maneuvers as “a little harder to figure out” in comparison with Chinese military actions, which he called “more rational.”

Russia has also become more active in airspace between its Pacific border and Japan, prompting a sharp rise in Japanese intercepts of Russian military aircraft over the past year.

In turn, Russia hasn’t hesitated to challenge U.S. reconnaissance flights near its territory. In April, a Russian Su-27 fighter jet flew within 100 feet of a U.S. Air Force RC-135U aircraft that was operating in international airspace over the Sea of Okhotsk, prompting complaints from the Pentagon.

Craig Whitlock covers the Pentagon and national security. He has reported for The Washington Post since 1998.

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