Tuesday, October 28, 2014

China’s Global Agricultural Strategy: An Open System to Safeguard the Country’s Food Security

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No. 282 dated 28 October 2014
China’s Global Agricultural Strategy: An Open System to Safeguard the Country’s Food Security

By Cheng Guoqiang and Zhang Hongzhou

National food security will continue to be the top strategic issue confronting Chinese policymakers. In the next two decades of rapid income growth, China’s total demand for agricultural products will increase in the face of diminishing water and land resources, and the task of feeding the 1.3 billion Chinese people will be even more challenging. The authors suggest that a global agricultural strategy is the strategic choice for China because it enables China to safeguard national food security and at the same time, tackle its rising domestic demand for agricultural resources in the face of environmental pressures.

Click on the following link to download the working paper



Dr Guoqiang Cheng
is Senior Fellow and Director General of Department of International Cooperation, Secretary General of Academic Committee of Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council P. R. China. He joined DRC in 2001. Before his appointment to the present position, Dr Cheng worked as fellow of Department of Rural Economy, Deputy Director General of Institute for Market Economy, Deputy Director General of General Office, and Director General of Information Center. Dr Cheng won the honorable award supported by the Chinese National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He serves as Adviser for several government agencies and holds concurrent posts as Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association of Grain Economy, Vice Chairman of Chinese Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, and Adjunct Professor of several universities such as Renmin University of China and University of International Business and Economics. Dr Cheng participated in conducting research and drafting agricultural policy documents of Chinese central government. Dr Cheng completed six distinguished years in the mission of China’s WTO accession negotiation as a special agricultural advisor to Chinese Chief Negotiator during 1997 to 2001. He has also been productively cooperating with international organisations such as OECD for decades with rich research accomplishments. Dr Cheng was awarded the Second Prize of National Awards for S&T Progress, Second Prize of Ministerial Awards for S&T Progress, DRC Outstanding Study Report Award, etc. Dr Cheng’s research covers areas of agricultural policy and rural development, international economy and global governance, multilateral and bilateral negotiation.

Mr Zhang Hongzhou
is Associate Research Fellow with the China Programme at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He previously worked as a Research Analyst with the Maritime Security Programme at RSIS. He received his Master’s degree in International Political Economy from RSIS and Bachelor’s degree in Maritime Studies from NTU. His main research interests include China and regional resources security (food, water and energy), agricultural and rural development, and maritime security. He has contributed papers to peer reviewed journals, edited volumes and participated in international conferences on a wide range of topics and is frequently interviewed or featured by national and international news media.

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