Sunday, June 15, 2014

China to build school in contested Paracel Islands

China to build school in contested Paracel Islands

An administration office building on the island called Yongxing by the Chinese China has already built several official buildings on the island

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China says it will build a school in the disputed Paracel Islands, boosting its presence in waters also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam.
China calls the island Yongxing and has been building up a settlement there for the last two years.
The school is expected to serve just 40 children, whose parents all work on the tiny island.
Last month, Chinese and Vietnamese ships clashed over a drilling rig that China has placed near the islands.
Beijing claims a U-shaped swathe of the South China Sea that covers areas other South East Asian nations say are their territory.
The issue has been rumbling in recent years amid an increasingly assertive stance from China over its claims.
Analysis by the BBC's Michael Bristow This is the latest construction project on the island of Yongxing.
There is already a hospital, a library and an airport. It also has mobile telephone coverage.
China has been building there for the last two years, ever since it announced that the tiny settlement was a city, the administrative centre for a vast swathe of the South China Sea.
The school will teach the children of the island's growing population, mostly made up of soldiers and construction workers.
But it has a wider significance: it helps cement China's territorial claims in the area.
Others may have competing claims - but those will be hard to enforce as China already has a growing presence there.

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