Sunday, March 16, 2014

The World On The Brink

The World On The Brink

These are an extremely pivotal few days from the standpoint of  international political economy and the Ukrainian crisis.

:Last minute diplomatic talks in London between Russia and the USSA over the Ukrainian crisis failed on Friday, and USSA Secretary of State, John Kerry, has delivered an ultimatum to Russia -- if the outcome of the Crimean referendum on Sunday is not to the liking of the USSA government then Washington, DC and its European allies will take a series of further, serious, unspecified, retaliatory measures on Monday.

These threatened measures are widely expected to include a range of financial sanctions. The whiff of a possible NATO/ USSA war with Russia is also in the air. The negative consequences of a NATO/ USSA military clash with Russia include the very real threat of a nuclear conflict, since both sides are very heavily armed with a full array of nuclear ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, torpedoes and bombs.

China has viewed the rapidly developing crisis with a thoroughly jaundiced eye and has warned against sanctions by the USSA against Russia due to the "unforeseeable consequences" and "retaliatory action"  that such sanctions might engender.

Given that China holds $1.3 trillion of the USSA's government debt, which it could willy-nilly dump, with disastrous effects on the American economy, and also has a full brace of nuclear missiles that can reach the USSA mainland and its numerous military bases in the Pacific region, the warning is not an empty threat. Here is a photo of a Chinese "boomer" laden with nuclear missiles headed out to sea.

Indeed, in anticipation of probable anti-Russian sanctions Russian financial institutions have already begun pulling vast sums of money out of the West, including some $105 billion out of the USSA this week alone.

This takes place in the context of Russian carrier-based jets staging war exercises in the eastern Mediterranean, flying from the deck of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, near Cyprus. This is also near Israel, off the coast of Syria. The message could not be clearer that Russia intends to stand by its long-time ally Syria, at the same time that it sends a cautionary message to Israel. It is fair to assume that the Kuznetsov battle group is carrying nuclear weapons, as do USSA aircraft carrier battle groups.

Speaking of which, the Pentagon has announced that the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush will be remaining in the Mediterranean a few more days due to the crisis in Ukraine. Also today, Russian self-defense forces in Crimea announced the capture of an American military drone that was surveiling the peninsula. 

On Sunday, the Crimeans will most likely vote to join the Russian Federation. If they do, the following day the USSA government will announce punitive measures against Russia. After that, the Russians and Chinese will take whatever steps they feel are appropriate, and then the USSA government and its allies will take further steps in response.

This entire scenario is fraught with profound peril for the whole world. I don't know what is going to happen, but a hard shock to the global financial system, in the coming days and weeks, appears highly possible.

The more so as financial astrologers are unanimously pointing to April 2014 (next month) as being a period of financial crisis for the USSA economy and its so-called "Federal Reserve Bank." I am not a financial astrologer, but I have to say that their prognostications are right on the money. April is shaping up to be a period of intense crisis for the USSA and its financial system.

I do not presume that in a war with Russia and China, be it a nuclear exchange or a financial showdown, that the USSA and its European allies will necessarily prevail. J.P. Morgan, the early-20th century Robber Baron, famously said that millionaires do not have astrologers, but billionaires do. For millennia, kings, queens, emperors, and now presidents, premiers and prime ministers, have been consulting astrologers. I would be very surprised if the Chinese and Russians do not take full advantage of the propitious astrology of April 2014 to take the USSA government and the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank down a peg. 

Though I am not a financial adviser, it does seem prudent to me for people who are aware of the confusion that is coming to use the period of time right now to prepare for future contingencies that may arrive within mere weeks. If the USSA financial system crashes hard, and that possibility realistically exists, then the American dollar is going to lose value, perhaps a great deal of value, and most of the world will feel the effects.

Paper currency, any paper currency, becomes just paper when enough people lose confidence in its value. Historically, silver and gold have held their value across thousands of years. I do not have any gold and silver, or platinum, palladium or rhodium, either. But if I were financially able I would certainly obtain some and take physical possession of it. I would do it this very day. We are entering a period of high uncertainty right now and no one knows how long it will last, or how severe the crisis may become. One thing is certain: those who are least prepared, physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, etc. will fare the worst.

So get ready.

Courtney Brown's Big Announcement

I don't for one minute think that Courtney Brown and those with whom he is in communication have picked this weekend for their paradigm-busting announcement completely by hazard. Courtney is a bright man. He knows everything that I have discussed here and more. He and those with whom he works can see the ominous trajectory of outer world events as well as anyone else. So it is that they have selected this weekend for their big "Announcement." See Courtney Brown's remote viewing website for the details.

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