Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stop calling this filth 'Illuminati' or 'Ruling Elite'

Stop calling this filth 'Illuminati' or 'Ruling Elite'

Calling our ruling crime families ‘Illuminati’ or ‘Ruling Elite’ is completely inappropriate. It makes these self-chosen, supremacist parasites seem like they were some superior life form, when they are in fact inferior creatures of an evilness beyond most peoples’ imagination. How much of a low life do you have to be to murder, poison and starve your fellow human beings by the hundreds of millions for the sake of power and profit? They are the human equivalent of a Napolitan Mastino: centuries of selective breeding to bring out their psychopathic tendencies.
Don’t get fooled by their mild manners, their sophisticated style and distinguished appearance. They are brilliant actors who have been trained for their role from early childhood. No matter how many people are trying to earn brownie points with them or are paid to spread their lies, they are still nothing but a bunch of highly dangerous super mobsters pretending to be 'legit'.
The world they have created for us can only be called a Cleptocracy. For centuries, we have been fooled by the Rothschild&Windsor crime syndicate and its subsidiaries. They got filthy rich by robbing us with their incremental reserve banking scam. They have brought misery upon us with their wars for power and profit. They have been poisoning our bodies with tobacco, booze and drugs. They have been poisoning our minds with their lies and filth.
It is high time to get in the pest control to deal with those parasites and punish the traitors who feed and protect them.

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