Sunday, December 11, 2011

America's Drug War " The Last White Hope Medicide in the United States

America's Drug War " The Last White Hope
Medicide in the United States

[Ed Note: This is a clear and understandable chronology of drug use in the US.
It is long but relevant and central to understanding the decay and disorganization
of the population in the coming years with the dollars collapse drugs and dissipation
will part of every day life in the not to distant future.

As an expert witness in class action cases against pharmaceutical companies,
carefully engineered drugs which have disabling and lethal effects are promoted with
FDA approval.

The gassing of the population with Polonium 210 and Zyklon B cyanide laced vat cured
in the paraphernalia of all tobacco products results in the deaths of some 48 million people in
US alone. Polonium 210 is the most lethal radioactive isotope and a detonating trigger for
nuclear devices manufactured only at Hanford Site and Oak Ridge, TN. Po 210 is the background
radiation isotope in the US. Po 210 accounts for 60% all cancers not just of the lung.

They die before they collect a single entitlement resulting in net gain of
unfunded entitlement of $ 1.8 Trillion.

When they die it is coded "natural causes" as the fix is in with the medical establishment
who are funded in research, fees, speaking, and hospitals by some of those residuals not
to blow the cover. Systematic medicide of the general population state sanctioned.

Arden Gifford, MD
Am Board Psychiatry
Addiction Psychiatry ]

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