Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What does your astrology portend?

In the early 90's the first point of Spring moved from Pisces to Aquarius and many were overjoyed that the world
had started the Aquarian Age. Why I never understood. Neptune ruled the Age of Pisces and it came with
compassion and entitlements. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus and Saturn will demand SELF
RESPONSIBILITY. That is if you need it then make it / grow it / mine it / fish it. Well such changes are not
going to come easily. However, for the last 15 years or so the world has seen a steady series of bubbles
to destroy wealth. Tho, so far they have mainly increased debt.

At the present time Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are more or or less square and squares of outer
planets usually imply DISASTER often in the sense that growing conditions produce much smaller crops.
Uranus and Pluto will be near square for several years as they were during the 30's when the world had the
horrible depression, At present much of Russia is having the hottest temperatures in a 130 years and crops
are dying and whole villages are burning up. The ECONOMIST that came this week says that much of China
is having the heaviest rain in 30 years The ECONOMIST was worried over how many dams might fail and never mentioned crop damage but maybe future weeks will discuss crop damage.

At any rate I think over the next few years there will be significant crop damage and food shortages make money
creation nearly impossible. I may be the only one who believes that at present. But I do believe taking new
printed money when there is no food available will not sell very well. And having less food so that those who
have to do something to earn it instead will sharply reduce the amount of lending / compassion /

For the last few years major planets have been in Pisces which is trine to Cancer the US Natal second house
of money. But now Uranus is in Aries which is square to Cancer and Pluto is getting far enough into
Capricorn which is opposite Cancer to effect the planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury. So,
the Astrology implies that for quite a few coming years there will be great adversity to US Finances.

The exact details are not within my imagination. However, I suspect that great damage will effect the
worlds crops, tho the locations may move from country to country from year to year. This will force
the world into the Aquarian Age whether it likes it or not. When there is surplus food money and debt
are easy to create. But when the total amount of food is less than the needs of the total population then
few people are willing to accept debt since there is no guarantee they can get the vitals of life in exchange
for lending money

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun 01 Aug 2010 15:13
To: Jack Perrine
Subject: What does your astrology portend?

Dear Jack
Some on the Internet are seeing riots in the streets, food shortages, overthrow of government,
lawlessness and anarchy, change of currency in 2-5 months- or a couple of years.
Paul Drockton sees anarchy followed by responsibility and all good govt.
I am to old and cynical to believe Govt. will ever be anything but self-serving and corrupt.
What does your astrology say for the remainder of 2010 and the next 5 years?
Your other astrology readers may want to know, as well.
Thanks, Glenda

Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?


Posted 07/30/2010 06:30 PM ET

The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.

People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"

Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.

Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives. There's no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.

Bill Clinton lowered the culture, moral tone and strength of the nation — and left America vulnerable to attack. When it came, George W. Bush stood up for America, albeit sometimes clumsily.

Barack Obama, however, has pulled off the ultimate switcheroo: He's diminishing America from within — so far, successfully.

He may soon bankrupt us and replace our big merit-based capitalist economy with a small government-directed one of his own design.

He is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most "consequential" president ever.

The Wall Street Journal's steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is "an alien in the White House."

His bullying and offenses against the economy and job creation are so outrageous that CEOs in the Business Roundtable finally mustered the courage to call him "anti-business." Veteran Democrat Sen. Max Baucus blurted out that Obama is engineering the biggest government-forced "redistribution of income" in history.

Fear and uncertainty stalk the land. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says America's financial future is "unusually uncertain."

A Wall Street "fear gauge" based on predicted market volatility is flashing long-term panic. New data on the federal budget confirm that record-setting deficits in the $1.4 trillion range are now endemic.

Obama is building an imperium of public debt and crushing taxes, contrary to George Washington's wise farewell admonition: "cherish public credit ... use it as sparingly as possible ... avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt ... bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue, that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not ... inconvenient and unpleasant ... ."

Opinion polls suggest that in the November mid-term elections, voters will replace the present Democratic majority in Congress with opposition Republicans — but that will not necessarily stop Obama.

A President Obama intent on achieving his transformative goals despite the disagreement of the American people has powerful weapons within reach. In one hand, he will have a veto pen to stop a new Republican Congress from repealing ObamaCare and the Dodd-Frank takeover of banks.

In the other, he will have a fistful of executive orders, regulations and Obama-made fiats that have the force of law.

Under ObamaCare, he can issue new rules and regulations so insidiously powerful in their effect that higher-priced, lower-quality and rationed health care will quickly become ingrained, leaving a permanent stain.

Under Dodd-Frank, he and his agents will control all credit and financial transactions, rewarding friends and punishing opponents, discriminating on the basis of race, gender and political affiliation. Credit and liquidity may be choked by bureaucracy and politics — and the economy will suffer.

He and the EPA may try to impose by "regulatory" fiats many parts of the cap-and-trade and other climate legislation that failed in the Congress.

And by executive orders and the in terrorem effect of an industrywide "boot on the neck" policy, he can continue to diminish energy production in the United States.

By the trick of letting current-law tax rates "expire," he can impose a $3.5 trillion 10-year tax increase that damages job-creating capital investment in an economy struggling to recover. And by failing to enforce the law and leaving America's borders open, he can continue to repopulate America with unfortunate illegals whose skill and education levels are low and whose political attitudes are often not congenial to American-style democracy.

A wounded rampaging president can do much damage — and, like Caesar, the evil he does will live long after he leaves office, whenever that may be.

The overgrown, un-pruned power of the presidency to reward, punish and intimidate may now be so overwhelming that his re-election in 2012 is already assured — Chicago-style.

• Christian, an attorney, was a deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Ford administration.

• Robbins, an economist, served at the Treasury Department in the Reagan administration.

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