Sunday, October 25, 2009


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Last Updated on Saturday, 24 October 2009 10:46 Saturday, 24 October 2009 10:28

News - Latest News from the Jane Burgermeister website

Dagens Nyheter reports that a fourth case of death caused by the "swine flu" shot has occurred in Sweden. A very old woman, 90 years old, died a few days (yesterday) after she received the "swine flu" Pandemrix shot. This is the fourth death suspected to be a direct result, or so called "severe side effect" of the new untested and adjuvant spiced injection. The levels of squalene in the Swedish shots are many thousand times higher than in those vaccines that caused the Gulf War Syndrome which so far has killed or severely damaged over 30.000 American soldiers.

Sweden had a contract with GlaskoSmithKline which forced Sweden to purchase a certain amount of vaccines (18 million doses ordered) in the event of a Pandemic level 6 declaration from WHO.

The vaccine manufacturer and others are advisors to WHO regarding pandemic declarations. The Swedish authorities have recently had to admit to parts of the still secret contract with the vaccine manufacturer - that they indeed were bound to order the vaccine.

The Pandemic level 6 definition was changed earlier this year by WHO so to include every "normal influenza" for the last 30 years. Earlier a pandemic also had to cause many deaths which the "swine flu" so far has not.

Swedish authorities keep stating that the people now getting the vaccine are often already sick, they are part of a so called "risk group" with weakened immune systems. Strangely, pregnant women are part of this group. No abortions due to the vaccine are reported so far.

In swedish media and also in many other countries, any case where someone have had the "swine flu" and died, it has been declared as an direct cause of the Swine flu, no matter if the real cause of death was pneumonia or bacterial infection. This comment from one of our readers sum it up well: "Funny how when someone dies of swineflu with a pre-existing condition they died from swineflu - no question. And if someone dies from the vaccine with a pre-existing condition they died from the pre-existing condition - no question." There are fears that any investigations in to these deaths will be lying about the cause of death so to not disturb the ongoing mass vaccination of the Swedish population.

The question of responsibility is still unclear. Swedish authorities have earlier officially stated that there is no immunity for the vaccine manufacturers but after receiving a direct question from us, they removed that information from their web site and have not replied to our inquiry.

More to follow...
Sceptical Swedish doctors forbidden to talk about the mass vaccinations.

Last Updated on Friday, 23 October 2009 18:46 Friday, 23 October 2009 17:34

News - Latest News
Sceptical Swedish doctors forbidden to talk about the mass vaccinations.


Managers in primary care in Norrbotten are not allowed to say anything negative about the mass vaccinations against swine flu.

Two weeks ago, Meta Wiborgh, head of Bergnäset health center in Luleå, and Björn Olsson, district medical officer at Örnäset health center in Luleå and a columnist for Dagens Medicin, signed a debate article in Svenska Dagbladet. In the article, the two doctors voiced their criticism about vaccinating the whole Swedish population against the new influenza, A(H1N1).

The move angered the primary care management in Norrbotten, who said that doctors can make patients uncertain if they speak negatively about the national recommendations.

- How would it look like if the 32 heads of health centers go out and voice their opinions, says Bo Westerlund, division manager for primary care in Norrbotten County Council, to the newspaper Dagens Samhälle.

After several weeks of open conflict in the local media, the parties have now reached an agreement. Meta Wiborgh and Björn Olsson are allowed to answer truthfully when asked if they intend to vaccinate themselves. By contrast, they are not allowed to express any criticism of the vaccination campaign if a patient asks.

- I refer to the official information available, and say it is a position you have make yourself, Meta Wiborgh tells Dagens Samhälle.

Simon Rothelius
French inundate government with lawsuits over "act of poisoning"

Friday, 23 October 2009 14:46

News - Latest News

A raft of lawsuits is about to be filed in France concerning the government's mass "swine flu" vaccination campaign, with one civil case already deposited at a court in Grenoble, alleging a "real attempt to poison" the population is underway.

Similar charges are to be filed in other parts of France, including in Paris, Pau and Nantes, according to lawyer Jean Pierre Joseph.

"The goal is to stop what we consider to be an act of poisoning," said Joseph
Only 13% of Germans say they will get a "swine flu" jab: dramatic drop to new low

Friday, 23 October 2009 14:34

News - Latest News

There has been a dramatic drop in the willingness of people in Germany to take the "swine flu" jab, with only 13 % now saying they are willing to have the shot compared to 51% in July.

According to a poll of 1000 people published today, Friday, 66 % of Germans say they will categorically refuse the jab, about twice as many as in previous polls.

20 % of the respondents said they were not sure if they would take the jab or not.

85 % said they though the threat of the "swine flu" was being exaggerated.

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