Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 5-6, 2009 - SPECIAL REPORT. The Bush clan and a seized $250 billion Treasury Note - Wayne Madsen Report

May 5-6, 2009 - SPECIAL REPORT. The Bush clan and a seized $250 billion Treasury Note
publication date: May 5, 2009

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May 5-6, 2009 - SPECIAL REPORT. The Bush clan and a seized $250 billion Treasury Note
According to WMR's sources, the FBI and London police are working together on a case that involved a $250 billion U.S. Treasury Note seized by the FBI from a London safety deposit box company, London Safe Deposit Company, Ltd. The box was reportedly placed at the London firm by self-described 20-year CIA veteran Robert Booth Nichols, who reportedly died in Geneva, Switzerland on February 14, 2009.
A heart attack was believed to have been the cause of death but there was a blow to Nichols's head. A "friend" of Nichols, a New York stockbroker who was reportedly helping Booth move a large sum of cash, bonds and gold in Geneva, arranged for a quick cremation of Nichols's body and the U.S. embassy in Bern was notified.
The T-Note is reportedly secured by 2500 metric tons of gold at the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta. There are indications that the movement of the gold out of the United States involves at least one member of the family of former Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.
Samuel Israel III, the former head of the collapsed Stamford, Connecticut-based hedge fund Bayou Group LLC, who was arrested after he tried to fake his own suicide by abandoning his vehicle, with the words "Suicide in Painless" written on the hood, on Bear Mountain Bridge over the Hudson River in New York on June 9, 2008, hired Nichols to help locate the T-Note and then place it in a London safety deposit box. Israel had already been convicted of a $400 million fraud and was due to report to prison to serve a 20-year sentence on the day his car was found on the bridge.
Nichols was reportedly assisted in the location and placement of the T-Note in London by John P. Ellis, a cousin of George W. Bush and nephew of George H. W. Bush. Ellis is the son of Nancy Bush, Bush 41's sister and was the Fox News consultant in 2000 whose analysis of Florida's returns led the network to call Florida for George W. Bush. Ellis had also been a columnist for The Boston Globe.
Ellis became an investment banker and acted as a "feeder" to IM Partners (Israel-Marino), a Connecticut-based venture capital company set up by Israel and his partner Daniel Marino. Ellis, a close friend of Israel, was managing director of New York City-based G H Venture, in which IM Partners invested some $25 million.
Nichols received $10 million from Israel for locating the T-Note and securing it in the London deposit box company. According to papers filed in the cases U.S. v. Israel, 05 Cr. 1039 (CM) and Bayou Management LLC v. Robert B. Nichols, et al, 08 Civ. 6036 (CM), the box seized by the FBI in London bore the "seal of the United States Federal Reserve and the serial number SC 3040-20." However, acting pursuant to a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) investigation, the FBI, working with Scotland Yard, seized the safety deposit box and the T-Note. Israel subsequently sued Nichols for return of the $10 million.
Court papers in the cases also refer to a "$250 billion obligation," as well as the Federal Reserve Bank and 2500 metric tons of gold being used to secure the T-Note.
Acting on a lawsuit filed by Bayou investors, a British judge in November 2007 froze $1 million Nichols held in London. HSBC is also named in the judge's order, along with Nichols and his wife.
Nichols maintained that he assisted Israel in moving money as part of a "project" involving U.S. "national interest."
WMR has, in the past, reported on then-Vice President George H. W. Bush shaking down soon-to-be-exiled Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos for gold seized from the Japanese (the so-called "Yamashita's Gold" looted from Asia and hidden in the Philippines by World War II Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita) and having it sent to the United States on barges owned by the CIA front company Oceaneering International of Houston. In return, Marcos was granted asylum in Hawaii. A December 2, 1982, FBI document on Robert Booth Nichols states that "Robert Booth Nichols, also known as Robert Bert Nichols, Robert Nelson, and Robert Nioon, was reportedly an internationally known launderer of money from both narcotics and organized crime activities. In addition, Nichols was well-known in the sale of armaments to various countries throughout the world. Nichols is alleged to be very influential in the sale of armaments to the Philippines Government and has assisted officials of the Philippines Government in removing large sums of money from the Philippines , thereafter, investing the money with Nichols, who was placing the money in Swiss bank accounts."
Robert Booth Nichols (right) with John Lear (left), son of Bill Lear, founder of Lear Jet Corporation. John Lear claims to have inside information on U.S. government work on extraterrestrial craft at Groom Lake's Area-51 in Nevada.
In November 2004, this editor exposed the use of a multi-billion dollar off-shore tranche of Bush fund held in an Isle of Man account and connected to the movement of the Marcos/Yamashita gold to Switzerland and UBS bank secret accounts by George H. W. Bush. Part of this money, as I reported, was used to fund the fixing of the 2004 election through the use of mercenary computerized voting machine programmers and operatives in Ohio and other states, ensuring George W. Bush's re-election. The story came under immediate attack by individuals and websites funded by George Soros.
What is unfolding as FBI and Scotland Yard pursues the case is the very real possibility that at least one member of the Bush family, in concert with Nichols, whose name arose in the investigation of the "suicide" of investigative journalist Danny Casolaro in 1991 and who was reportedly one of Casolaro's more dubious "sources," may have been involved in a criminal enterprise to move U.S. Federal Reserve gold out of the United States and into secret offshore accounts. In addition, there is the possibility that at least two other Federal Reserve Banks, in addition to Atlanta, may have been similarly looted of their gold reserves. There is also an indication that Representative Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) was referring to the looting of the Federal Reserve when he referred to a one- or two-hour $550 billion electronic run on the banks "around September 15, 2008."
President Obama recently announced a crack down on American individuals and corporations using off-shore bank accounts. Whether the President is aware of the massive gold rip-off operation against the Federal Reserve is not known but the Nichols-Israel case continues to be investigated by the FBI and Scotland Yard.
In any event, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner appears to have been neutralized as any sort of significant oversight authority over the currnet bail-out of Wall Street and the banks. Informed sources have told WMR that high-level rumors of a sex scandal involving the Treasury Secretary are swirling around both Treasury and the Inter-American Development Bank, headquartered in Washington, DC.
These stories are developing.

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