Friday, May 8, 2009

Blowback in Lebanon on Cheney-Rove-Abrams hit team - Wayne Madsen Report

May 6-7, 2009 -- Blowback in Lebanon on Cheney-Rove-Abrams hit team
publication date: May 6, 2009
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May 6-7, 2009 -- Blowback in Lebanon on Cheney-Rove-Abrams hit team

Word from Lebanon is that WMR's report on the Bush-Cheney White House operating a hit team that was behind the assassinations of Lebanese political leaders was featured on Lebanese television today.

This article also appeared on a Lebanese news site.


"Dick Cheney, the name that always pops up whenever there is talk about a serious crime someplace in the world. Well, Cheney had his own death squad CIA unit which he ran from the white house. By Cheney’s orders, the assassinations unit killed former Lebanese minister and Lebanese Forces chief Elie Hobeika on the 24th of January 2002 and former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on the 14th of March 2005, prominent investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said.

Madsen who is known for his close ties with active circles in the CIA, was speaking to the Russia Today television when he revealed that the same squad that had assassinated Hobeika in coordination with former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon’s office, had also assassinated Hariri.

“This is something that I have heard about five years ago from CIA sources,” Madsen said. “I reported in 2004-2005 that the CIA unit linked to the White House was responsible for coordinating the assassinations in Lebanon of former Christian leader Elie Hobeika and also the former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, and that this was done in close coordination with a similar unit operated by then Israeli PM Ariel Sharon’s office in Jerusalem,” Madsen said. . ..

What Madsen had revealed has drawn storms of reactions that demand Cheney be prosecuted . . .

In 2005, Madsen cited one “key source’ in his report and said that “a number of intelligence sources have reported that assassinations of foreign leaders like Hariri and Hobeika are ultimately authorized by two key White House officials, Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliot Abrams. In addition, Abrams is the key liaison between the White House and Sharon’s office for such covert operations, including political assassinations and Abrams is the guy the Israelis go to for a wink and a nod for such ops.”

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