Monday, February 1, 2016

The Most Shocking Must-see Hillary Clinton Video

The Most Shocking Must-see Hillary Clinton Video

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“Will you say anything to get elected?”
This question was posed at the onset of the video in a portion taped during the Democratic Presidential Debate, and it may have practically summarized Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Almost immediately, Hillary Clinton proceeded with her reply, carrying an air of seemingly unshakeable confidence: “I have been very consistent in the course of my entire life.”
However, this 13-minute video would indeed make the public believe that she had been misleading them for more than a decade. Hillary certainly has her way with words, but she also seems to have a way of contradicting herself.
Issue after issue has surfaced concerning Hillary’s dealings in the government, and the situation can only get worse with her ever-changing convictions.
Hillary’s views on controversial matters appear to vary depending on her audience, and the comparison between her words throughout the years is nothing short of astounding. Her so-called ‘truth problem’ could currently be in its all-time high.

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