Sunday, April 27, 2008

An open letter to family and friends - PLEASE READ

Worth it. Clarifies some things, too.

Arthur Evangelista, PhD

Public Health & Medical Fraud Research

North Carolina


This was sent to me by a close friend who owns a web design business here in Memphis. I thought it worth sharing with my family and friends as well.

Blessings to you each.

Michael Goza

Dear family and close friends,

Please take the time to read this. I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but your life, liberty and property may very well be dependent upon it.

I've started to send something like this to you all for several months, but I can no longer put it off in good conscience.

Americans by and large think that things will always be as they are. It's a comfort and defense mechanism. There may be economic upswings and downturns, we may soon have someone we disdain in the White House, but all in all things will continue as they always have. America is essentially invincible.

I'm here to flatly tell you that's a false reality. The evidence is everywhere, yet we ignore it and disconnect ourselves mentally and emotionally because the evidence points to something that is, for the moment, utterly inconceivable.

I believe the facade is going to be shattered, and sooner rather than later. If you think I overstate the situation, you do not know human nature, you do not know current events and you do not know history.

For purposes of this discussion, set aside what you know and think of parties and politics. The practical reality is that the old left/right, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican dichotomies are meaningless anyway.

Let's just look at simple, non-partisan facts which you can (and should) research and study yourselves.

Widespread food rationing will soon be a reality. Yes, right here in America, a country previously known as the world's breadbasket. It's happening around the world already, and has hit some US cities this week. According to major news outlets, Costco, Sam’s and Wal-Mart are all limiting purchases of flour, rice and cooking oil in New York, other densely populated areas of New England, and major cities in California. Even in other parts of the country where food is presently abundant and available, the costs are increasing rapidly. Fuel costs are skyrocketing. Our fiat currency—issued by the Federal Reserve which is a private corporation, no more federal than Federal Express—is dropping in value daily.

We're sending our young men and women to secure Iraq's border while we have what would under any other circumstances rightfully be called a full scale invasion of illegals coming across our own southern border, and our collective response has been to sign petitions and write our representatives, only to receive form letter replies blaming someone else, somewhere else. We have a proposed North American Union whereby our national sovereignty will be swept under the rug of history. Google "Amero" and read about the accompanying new currency...

We recently had local law enforcement agencies here in the Memphis area cooperating with federal agencies to conduct what one sheriff described as "martial law training." The Memphis Police Department just announced the opening of the Orwellian Real Time Crime Center to provide for 24/7 video surveillance throughout the city. Thanks to FISA and the Patriot Act, your phones can now be tapped, emails read, mail opened, and homes searched—all without a proper search warrant. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force now classifies those who ardently support and defend the Constitution as "domestic terrorists."

Your most fundamental right of habeas corpus, that principle derived from the Magna Carta in 1215 which prevents you from being swept up and locked away without ever having been charged or given a right to trial, has been dispensed with as a frivolous encumbrance to fighting the "war on terror." In testimony before the House Judiciary Committee just two days ago, FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged that he was aware in 2002 that CIA agents were conducting interrogations in violation of the law as he understood it, and that Attorney General John Ashcroft and others within the Department of Justice also knew and in fact gave the "green light" to torture.

Since passage of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, the US military can now be deployed on US soil as a law enforcement apparatus to establish and maintain control over civilians. They, of course, could be backed up by Blackwater, the well-equipped and highly trained mercenary army which answers to literally no one. Perhaps most frighteningly, President Bush has signed countless Executive Orders (EOs) and Presidential Directives (PDs) over the past seven years granting himself the power to declare a non-specific "national emergency" and put the US under martial law and effectively create a military dictatorship, all without even consulting Congress. Google "NSPD51" and "HSDP20" or read this.

No, you didn't see much of this on Fox or CNN, but that does not mean it isn't happening. It's not front page news—as it should be—but none of it is hidden.

Stop and ask yourself which terror you fear more: rag-headed brown people living in caves on the other side of the world, or uncontrolled and unaccountable dictatorial power right here at home ? Just like what happened in Nazi Germany 60 years ago.

We have a government which no longer recognizes the sovereignty of We The People, "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." Instead, we have privileges granted to us by an all-powerful State entity, and those privileges can be revoked or limited at any time, for most any reason.

I firmly believe that the vast majority of those who swore an oath before Almighty God to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies—foreign and domestic—are in fact the very ones who are destroying it. At best, they stand by in silence.

As scary and as crazy as this sounds, I'm not making any of this up.

Again, please research it yourselves and prove me wrong. You may think I sound like a Michael Moore/Chicken Little hybrid, but I'm just looking around me, and I don't like what I see. If a few years from now we see that this was all a bad dream, you can rightfully call me crazy, but I'd much rather have that happen than have any of you be caught unaware and unprepared. Frankly, I think there's little excuse for not knowing what's going on with all that stares us in the face daily, but propaganda is powerful stuff and many of you simply don't have the time or inclination to read much. That needs to change, and I strongly recommend you start by getting a copy of The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf, followed by A Nation of Sheep by Andrew Napolitano.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." — Thomas Jefferson

Trust in God but do what you can—while you can—to prepare to protect and feed yourselves and your families…and,

Get ready for the fight of your lives… its America, but just like any other country, its only as good

as its people. Wake up.

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